COVID-19 Update: Workers & Visitors Must Wear Masks
COVID-19 Update: Workers & Visitors Must Wear Masks

COVID-19 Update: Workers & Visitors Must Wear Masks

Due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Polis’ order April 03, 2020 all workers & visitors on construction sites must maintain a 6-feet minimum distance between one another on breaks. Additionally, every worker & visitor on the jobsite must be wearing at a minimum a cloth facemask covering the nose and mouth at all times. The facemask does not have to be a surgical mask or N95 respirator but must meet the following CDC guidelines.

Cloth face coverings should-

  • fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • be secured with ties or ear loops
  • include multiple layers of fabric
  • allow for breathing without restriction
  • be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape

When removing the face covering individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth and wash hands immediately after. 

Any worker seen not wearing a facemask or maintaining a 6-feet distance on breaks will be told to immediately leave the jobsite and to not return until they comply. If the same employee is repeatedly (3x or more) found to be ignoring these guidelines they will be permanently removed from the jobsite and will not be allowed to work on another Merritt & Associates construction site. 

On the below image are directions to make a no sew bandana facemask.

Thank you all for your help as together we take all precautionary steps to battle this virus and keep our industry moving forward. I will of course update everyone as more information is received.


Merritt Sixbey

Covid 19 Face Mask DIY Instructions

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